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Friday, January 28, 2011

The Three A's of Awesome

According to, Neil Pasricha, the author of, “The Book of Awesome” and the winner of two Webby’s in 2009 for Best Blog:

50,000 blogs are started every day.

I had an agent tell me that if he started a blog, it would get lost in the world of the Internet, especially if everyone started one. He is right, but that is the nice thing about Social Media, you have contacts (I hope) and therefore a captive audience: your clients and your friends. They start the ball rolling, others see the ball rolling and jump on for the entertaining read.

Things to remember when diving into Social Media:

· It cost nothing. One more time, IT COST NOTHING! (I knew an agent who was spending five digits a month on yellow pages. Do you think he is still worried about his “Double Truck” ad, or more worried about how to do it for free and casting a larger net?)

· All links are equal. (My link is just as good as the Webby winner’s link, he just has a bigger, better ball rolling. However, he admits when he started, his mom was his only follower. My Mom follows my blog too. It’s not up her ally and she is always suggesting I change the content to include pictures of the grandkids. I’m not sure she understands this is written for the Insurance/ Sales professional.)

· It’s OK to lose a little control (remember Mr. Splashy Pants, link below).

Now, Neil’s Three A’s of Awesome With the Blog Spin:

1. Attitude - Are you growing or shrinking? Are you happy or sad about it? When was the last time you tried something new? It’s a big industry; is there more you can learn?

2. Awareness – Are you aware of what your audience wants to hear and what they need to hear?

a. They want to hear that you can save them money. They need to hear that you can adequately protect their assets using examples, and that you can explain coverages better than any other agent in town.

b. It is my hope you want to hear the results of the surveys, know what others are doing, know you are out-performing others, and be heard. I think you need to hear about, well, this exact topic. What do you want and need to hear about? And don’t ask for more pictures of my kids, like my Mom.

3. Authenticity- They need to hear it in your unique voice. When I started this weekly email I worried my bosses would read it, because it was a little too authentic. Turns out most of you, and they, like it. (Unless you are all lying to me. If so, keep lying.)

Neil's Three A's of Awesome With No Spin On It:

Attitude- Bad things happen. Grieve and move on. Victor Frankl, author of Man's Search for Meaning, wrote, "to live is to suffer, to survive is to find meaning in the suffering." Cry, learn, cry again, and then MOVE ON.

Awareness- Look at everything with appreciation. I lived in Mexico for two years. When I got back I slept on the floor for weeks because I had missed...carpet. Whenever I go to Colorado, I roll in the grass like a kid because I miss Colorado grass and hate Texas grass.

Authenticity- I like musicals. I always have and I always will. Rosie Grier was a 6'5", 300 pound linebacker in the NFL and off the field he loved to do needle point. After retiring from the NFL, he even wrote a book about it.

Reference material.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Sales 101

Sales 101: What do you learn in a sales/marketing class on the first day within the first minutes? Differentiate yourself from the competition IMMEDIATLY!

Can you guess how I try to do that? (Anyone who knows me probably knows already. In fact it was the topic of conversation a number of times this week with old and new clients.)

Ever wondered why I introduce myself as, Shawn Michael Walker? Because no one else uses their full name! People think it is funny (more like ridiculous), and therefore almost everyone remembers it.

Common reactions to the full name intro:
1. "What was that?"
2. "OK? I am, _______________" (insert new acquaintances full name here.) (My favorite response!)
3. "So is it Shawn or Shawn Michael or Shawn Michael Walker?" (My client just repeated my name three times; without knowing it they are putting it to memory.)
4. The classic repeat in question format. "Shawn Michael Walker?"
5. The reintroduction to others, “everyone, this is Shawn Michael Walker!” (Now they get to deliver the punch line, they get to be the silly one)
6. "That sounds like a country singer."
7. "Why do you do that?"
8. "Were you named after anyone?"
9. And another favorite (but I have only gotten it in Texas, twice): "Are you a serial killer? You know only serial killers go by their full name?"

Side note: I have a 40 year-old single friend who asked me what he can do to change his approach with the opposite sex. I offered my advice, "instead of introducing yourself as every other "John" they have ever met, introduce yourself as "John J. Stephens." Two things will happen: they will ask if the "J" is an initial or if it is "Jay," and secondly, the conversation will last longer than a few seconds."

He used it, reported outstanding success with it, and when he introduced me to his new, more-permanent significant-other he said, "Michelle Jane Jones, this is Shawn Michael Walker." She told me the different introduction started a conversation that lasted them all night long and that introduction is still a key piece of their relationship.

In every situation, business or personal, what differentiates you in your introduction? What makes you stand out? What makes your business recognizably different than that of others?